In compliance with Linden Lab policy regarding random play vendors, all gachapon vendors for both Organica and Wilds of Organica have been retired, as of 12AM September 1, 2021.
Automated exchangers will continue to operate and service both updates and permission change requests for the lifetime of the shop, so if you have any remaining transfer-only items to lock in to copyable, you should still be able to do so at the location identified in my Picks under ‘Gacha Exchange Policy’.
Thank you to all who have supported this aspect of Organica and Wilds of Organica’s product offerings.
Gachapon vending and related events allowed for a novel way to introduce full avatar content which I would normally not be able to on such a frequent basis, as well as providing exposure for niche products to a wider audience.
Moving forward, I’ll be assessing which items can be returned to normal sale (with or without some updates – various Bento and Bakes on Mesh updates are in consideration ) and which product offerings will be permanently retired.
As some of you may be aware, Linden Lab has recently put in place a new policy in which random play vendors will no longer be permitted use in Second Life. (link)
While the majority of both stores are non-gacha releases, it’s certainly true that participation in gachapon events made up a fair number of releases over the years.
With the presented deadline of August 31 closing in soon, I’ll be taking all of the gachapon vendors offline on August 31 to ensure compliance with the new policy.
Following this, most items will gradually return as generally purchasable items (with copy-perms) with some updates (this is a great opportunity to look in to options as far as offering avatars with Bakes on Mesh capability to help keep some costs to you low), but some will be completely retired.
About the updates and when they will happen
This will happen gradually and largely depend upon available space in the shop. There isn’t a lot of space currently and while I am considering expanding upward, maintaining a clear and usable shop layout is important to me.
Additionally, all of the potential updates I want to do, along with the repackaging and testing, are going to be time consuming.
Updates that largely do not require a complete redo will simply be made and offered as updates to existing product (IE: be loaded up in the updater/exchanger). Anything that requires a majority or complete redo from ground up will be offered as a new product. I have not firmly decided on which products (if any) will get this redo process, but if you have some thoughts please let me know. Customer interest will play a big part in which items get updated first.
As such, this month will be the last chance for you to pick up some of these avatars as is at the current low price of L$100. As always, any purchase of avatars from the Wilds of Organica can be exchanged from transfer-only to copyable using our automatic exchanger at the front of the shop.
This batch of releases includes three new products fundamental to landscaping for small and large parcels.
It’s been a while since I added to the pure landscaping side of things, so I figured I would get a whole bunch put together this time around!
All of these releases are scripted for texture change, but all include non-scripted versions for those who are script-conscious.
Let’s get in to it!
Organica – Waterside Rocks vendor image
Organica last released a selection of rocks many years ago, and while those have done well, folks have been asking for a bit more variety and resilience for use in multiple environments.
This pack includes four different textures (plain, green moss, fall moss, and snowy) for three different rock shapes. Each are available both as non-scripted, separate items, or lightly scripted for texture change, and are 1 LI at packaged size.
Prior to moving the store back down to ground level in 2018, all existing Floating Island sets had been retired. It wasn’t until recently that folks seeking out these older products encouraged me to work on some updated ones for general use.
Please note: This product is specifically designed for display at sizes 10m by 10m by 10m or larger – as such, they are optimized for this purpose. While they can be sized as small as you like, the land-impact for this item at smaller sizes will not be as low as a rock product that was specifically built for use at smaller sizes.
Four textures are available for this mesh item, both separately as well as scripted. 18LI each at packaged size (~18m cubed).
These low-poly rock formations are great for off-region or mountainside use. In Organica region, you’ll see them as both, making use of vertical planes to add variety to a flat horizon or to interrupt the smooth slopes of regional terrain.
Please note: This product is specifically designed for display at sizes 10m by 10m by 10m or larger – as such, they are optimized for this purpose. While they can be sized as small as you like, the land-impact for this item at smaller sizes will not be as low as a rock product that was specifically built for use at smaller sizes.
Available as separate, unscripted items OR with scripted texture change – Textures can be switched between snowy, plain, bright and dark moss. LI ranges from 35-45 at packaged size (~64m cubed).
Having moved to my current home in late 2018, I have since been thinking of ways in which I could better make my back yard work for my needs. As I may have discussed in the past, having a yard was pretty important to me because I needed space to develop my bonsai hobby and be comfortable in my container gardening in general.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about DIY alternatives to buying greenhouses, and making such a design work within my available funds and space. I’m not sure that I would be able to start on such a project right away if I did have the money, but I’ve been finding it helpful to plan things out and figure out the pricing ahead of time.
This greenhouse came out of that line of development. It’s probably not the solution I will end up with if I do move ahead, but I’m happy that I was still able to come up with a solution *someone* might be able to work with. (Plus I can *make* it work for my situation in-world too, right? 😉 )
Anyhow, this package includes a version of the same greenhouse oriented such that the door is on one or the other side, making placement a bit more flexible.
Of note: Because of the semi-transparent plastic texture, I recommend that any plants placed inside or adjacent to this building have their textures switched from Alpha Blending to Alpha Masking, so as to avoid alpha texture laying issues (where one texture sometimes appears to supercede others in front of it).
Both houses are 10LI and mod/copy, with a copy-only door script, which can be removed if need be.
These watering cans are unscripted props that are great, simple additions to your garden. Four colours available, 1 LI each, mod/copy.
Organica has had field-type ferns for a while – I was out in my garden the other day and realized it would be helpful to have some that grew more in clusters or were more suitable for container plantings.
These come with three plant shapes (young, growing, mature), where the fronds can be found in a variety of growth periods to best fit what you want to place them with. I’ve also accessorized with a hanging and standing planter, but they would do fine planted in the ground or in a raised bed as well, for example.
Fantasy Faire is quite possibly my favourite time of year in Second Life.
It’s a time when creativity across the grid comes together and is on showcase. Above and beyond the big money makers and monthly mixers, this is the opportunity for folks who create something truly different and magical to show off what they’ve been doing all year and to help raise funds for the American Cancer Society in the Second Life Relay for Life.
That said, it’s also bittersweet because, as an event raising funds for the American Cancer Society, it also serves to remind us of those who have been affected by cancer.
This year in particular has been rather poignant as someone I knew passed away rather recently from cancer – a week ago, as of this writing.
I didn’t know Mishellereine very well, but we shared the hobby of fountain pens and it’s a subject she could be deeply passionate about. Her passing leaves a hole in the fountain pen community and we miss her greatly.
She loved purple things, so I figured I’d make a Wyvern coat that would suit her colour preference. All proceeds from the sale of this Wyvern colour will always go to the American Cancer Society in her memory.
Amethyst and Pink Medusa Gorgon Hair are now available as donation items for RFL – be sure to try a demo to make sure it’s for you!
Of note, as of this writing, the Fantasy Faire team has raised a total of L$3,487,572 (US $13,950) for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life over a three day period.
Additionally, this year, I set about the task of updating the Centaur avatar for a more stocky appearance, as has been requested in the past.
This new body shape still utilizes the original centaur UV layout (and thus is also compatible with the Centaur applier system) but makes use of a modified rig which makes size adjustments more gracefully than the original Classic body. I’ve also added Omega applier support for fur layers, so folks with mesh bodies now have greater flexibility when it comes to transitioning the centaur bodies to mesh human bodies.
Has been tested with: SLink Physique (Female & Male), Signature Gianni, Niramyth Aesthetic. Full details on the Stocky body have been added to the Centaur info page, here.
Next week, keep your eyes open for a new release at Gacha Garden! NeoBokrug’s worked extensively to help make the next release super fun!
More on that later 🙂
If you enjoy what I’m doing here or think someone else might also find it of use, please feel free to share this blog with them. If you’d like to keep up to date with posts, the RSS for this blog is here, I can also be found on Twitter and Plurk. The Discord server is here.
If you really like my stuff, perhaps consider donating to my Patreon?
Perks include new release postings, access to beta testing (should it be required), a monthly L$1500 credit, and (recently unlocked) monthly Patron-exclusive gifts !
Your continued support helps to produce regular content (written, modelled, animated or otherwise) and helps to keep original content creation in Second Life!
The past few days have been especially hectic with the development of new releases as well as build for Organica’s spot at the SL Home & Garden Expo. With the added work of needing to prime all my vendors with an event-friendly script, sleep has been hard to find this week.
Fresh on the heels of the Cherry Tree release, I put myself to task for putting together a new structure that would be a good fit for the smaller space I had chosen for this year’s exhibit.
I set out to work on a converted warehouse look and have been pretty happy with the results, but this particular build will be on-site as a preview only, while full release should occur not too far from now, in-store. When final tweaks are taken care of, the space should be a very flexible prefab suitable for use either on the ground or as a skybox, great for either commercial or residential use.
Additionally, I’ve created a number of brand new items for exclusive premiere at H&G Expo:
This vintage lamp can be used either as a hanging or standing lamp – or both! Put it right up against a wall to bounce light off in a diffuse manner or away for a more eye-catching effect. You can use it to divide a too-large room or to create an interesting centerpiece if you so choose. Mod, copy with a copy-only script. Click for on and off, or to set it to turn on at night.
This is a five-piece, modular brick & wrought-iron fence set, put together for a stately look. (Three unique pieces total – semi and full-circle items are included for your convenience) Great for gardens small or large! Use to line the perimeter of your land or simply to divide off a section and create a quiet enclosure. Ranges from 1 to 13LI depending on which item is used. Optimized for use with Advanced Materials. Mod, copy, no transfer.
This is a simple garden lantern – great for placement in a garden bed or upon any sort of patio table, plinth, etc. It’s 1LI, mod/copy with a copy-only script. Click for on and off, or to set it to turn on at night. This is an RFL item, so all proceeds will be sent to Relay For Life.
Additionally, both an RFL Edition Rosebush 2 and Fresh Cut Roses are now available, alongside many of the RFL-only releases, so if you missed them in previous years, now’s your chance to pick them up (although some very old offerings have been retired).
Several recent releases are also available for viewing – if you haven’t yet had a chance to check out the Animesh Weeping Willow and Cherry trees, you can now do so, along with many other items that have been put together over the past year, all in one small exhibition located in the heart of Hope 3 region.
SL Home & Garden Expo features nine merchant regions as well as a gachapon region, all attached to the American Cancer Society region. It begins March 15 and runs thru April 7. I hope to see you there!
If you enjoy what I’m doing here or think someone else might also find it of use, please feel free to share this blog with them. If you’d like to keep up to date with posts, the RSS for this blog is here, I can also be found on Twitter and Plurk. The Discord server is here.
If you really like my stuff, perhaps consider donating to my Patreon?
Perks include new release postings, access to beta testing (should it be required), a monthly L$1500 credit, and (recently unlocked) monthly Patron-exclusive gifts !
Your continued support helps to produce regular content (written, modelled, animated or otherwise) and helps to keep original content creation in Second Life!
It’s still blowing dry, powdery snow here in Toronto, but the days are slowly growing longer and with them the hope that something resembling spring will appear shortly. While winter in SL is quite pretty, having the option of renewing one’s landscape from bitter winter to tender spring with relative ease has always had great appeal to me.
It’s with that in mind that I’m happy to announce a new Cherry Tree from Organica!
Among a number of other projects on the go, this newest release has weighed heavily on my recent project list, due to amount of animation and troubleshooting that needed to take place. It’s been a few years since I last released a cherry tree, so I wanted to put together something substantial which would also reflect what tools we have at our disposal now, as far as content creation goes.
The tree is Animated Mesh, which means it is designed to sway on its own and will move naturally in its environment. It also means this tree is not resizable, although I am offering two sizes by default for your convenience. Included are Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Dead foliage options, along with the option to turn on flower particles. The tree is also fully compatible with the Winds of Change Seasonal Control Module, so foliage across a whole region or parcel can be changed with just a few clicks, rather than by individually by each tree.
Much thanks go to NeoBokrug Elytis, who has spearheaded the scripting portion of this project and who also integrated the particle system for this tree.
Organica returns to Enchantment on February 9, running thru March 4th, with several new products as well as a few existing complimentary products as well!
The theme this round is Lord of the Rings, so I’ve chosen to create my own interpretation of a couple of Elven gazebos as well as Galadriel’s Mirror – drawing in lore both from the main books as well as the Silmarillion.
The Gazebos are 75LI at packaged size (20x20m) and mod/copy/no transfer. The Mirror & Plinth are a single 1 LI object, as is the accompanying silver ewer, which can be worn or simply rezzed where you wish. Mod, copy, no transfer.
All the new items will be exclusively at Enchantment for the duration of the event, after which they’ll make their way back to the main shop in March.
In the mean time, we’re gearing up to work on a number of spring projects moving forward. What kind of tree, plant or landscaping items do you feel are still missing? Leave your feedback here or IM me (Aki Shichiroji) in-world directly!
If you enjoy what I’m doing here or think someone else might also find it of use, please feel free to share this blog with them. If you’d like to keep up to date with posts, the RSS for this blog is here, I can also be found on Twitter and Plurk. The Discord server is here.
If you really like my stuff, perhaps consider donating to my Patreon? Your continued support helps to produce regular content (written, modelled, animated or otherwise) and helps to keep original content creation in Second Life!
It’s been a while since I discussed this project – I covered initial development for these trees in late 2017/early 2018, but they were put on the back-burner due to a shadow rendering issue that affects how shadows are rendered for transparent textures on rigged objects.
With all that said, I decided to move ahead with the Weeping Willow despite this problem because it would be unlikely that any changes be made to accommodate shader fixes on the viewer side, once they have been committed.
In the past week, easily 30-40 hrs have been put in developing new textures and revising existing animations to be more natural and appropriate to region wind speeds. I’ve also been very fortunate to work with NeoBokrug Elytis of Desolate Studio to develop an extensive feature set that I am sure you will appreciate!
So it’s with much excitement that I offer this set of Weeping Willows for your consideration:
The Weeping Willows are the first in a line of trees from Organica that will both offer Animesh support as well as built-in compatibility with the Organica Seasonal Control Module, which will allow for mass foliage change of Organica: Winds of Change-compatible products both region-wide as well as parcel-specific.
The Willows are set to animate and rustle in relation to Second Life region wind. They change texture (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Dead) on command from the included SCM, but you can also set foliage by individual tree as well if you wish.
All settings can be secured to owner, group or anyone.
A few caveats:
As an Animesh product, a compatible viewer must be used to view it properly. If your viewer has updated to 6.0 or better, you’re all set!
Due to the nature of Animesh (it snaps back to the size defined by its armature and animations), only two sizes are currently offered and this tree cannot be resized. I’ll be doing some experimentation and hopefully more sizes will be available in the future – any additional sizes to this product will be sent as a free update.
As discussed above, shadows from this product are not currently cast properly. Keep an eye on JIRA BUG-202837 or at Content Creation User Group Meetings for movement on this problem – I will also announce once I learn this has been fixed.
Special thanks to Aposiopesis Fullstop for her consultation on our documentation as well as the Residents of The Wastelands for being our guinea-pigs in our latter testing stage.
You can pick up the Weeping Willow 3 pack, mod/copy object, copy-only contents, in-world here and on the Marketplace, here.
Two new builds are now available at Organica – but before I get to that let me take care of a few housekeeping items.
A limited number of prefab buildings have also been put back out on display. Following the initial store rebuild at ground level, some prefabs were moved to a rezzer, while others were not put back out on display for various reasons (mostly because the rezzer vendor does not handle multiple-part builds very well. While not all previous builds are on display quite yet, those of you who are looking for modern style builds suitable for both skybox and ground use can view them once again in-store.
I’m still considering a setup that would allow all of the bigger builds to also be shown, but there are considerations to be made on my part with respect to visibility at ground level.
New Stuff
With that said, I’m pleased to announce this new two-story craftsman-style home! Features 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, kitchen & laundry area, front/living room, dining room and Includes extra room in the basement that would make for an excellent family room. Best viewed with advanced lighting model enabled. 58LI at packaged size, which is 15x20m. 3.5m ceilings. Mod, copy, no transfer.
Built to fit a common 512sqm alottment, this is a detailed house waiting for you to make it a home. Comes unfurnished, all room walls can be individually edited and will take any texture that is horizontally seamless by default.
Additionally, this next release was originally built to house items at Home & Garden Expo, but I wasn’t prepared to offer it for sale at the time as it was undergoing some final refinements. Today I’m pleased to say it’s available!
This shop space stands 12m wide by 18m deep by 13m tall and includes a detailed facade & back roof area. It’s great for smaller shops seeking a look that’s got character. Also best viewed using the Advanced Lighting Model.
If you enjoy what I’m doing here or think someone else might also find it of use, please feel free to share this blog with them. If you’d like to keep up to date with posts, the RSS for this blog is here, I can also be found on Twitter and Plurk. The Discord server is here.
If you really like my stuff, perhaps consider donating to my Patreon? Your continued support helps to produce regular content (written, modelled, animated or otherwise) and helps to keep original content creation in Second Life!