Greetings Dear Readers!
I hope things have been going well and you are all safe & sound – My thoughts are with you all!
Today, I’d like to announce this new release through Wilds of Organica for Fantasy Faire, which I’ve been working on with NeoBokrug Elytis of Desolate Studios!

This new critter is both a wanderer and a mount. If rezzed on land, you can set it to explore a given range and it will move around & animate at random.
If worn, it will play animations for both itself and you as the rider.
Currently, 8 versions are available, plus two RFL exclusive releases!
These are premiering at WoO’s shop in Cassiopeia for the duration of Fantasy Faire, after which they will be available at the main store.
Try a working demo and explore the Fairelands here!
Fantasy Faire runs right now thru May 10! Check out their website for full details, ongoing events, shopping guides and more!
On a personal note (as it applies to Organica & Wilds of Organica), I’ve been quite occupied with a work project for the past 8 months, which has led to a relative lack of updates here.
Starting this week I will finally have some time to work on personal projects (and by extension O & WoO). I am hoping to revamp some of the older tutorial videos with a focus on Blender 2.8 & Blender Avastar 2.8 update (which is in development and will be released soon).
To these ends, if there are particular shortfalls of my existing material and/or you’d like to see some other topic covered, please let me know! I am working on some content already behind the scenes, so hopefully I can share that with you soon!