I’ve finally put together the bulk of my both at the Fantasy Faire! You can find Kitheres in the Avatopia sim, just to the right of the path when you arrive, facing directly east. (Or you can use this handy SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Avatopia/209/118/22)

There are quite a number of new releases this time around. I’ve been using the last few weeks to put together two new outfits, Hera and Breanne (pics lower in this post), as well as a bunch of new eyes, releasing some sculpted ears that were made to work with the Delvian skins, and putting together some goodies as RFL donation gifts and freebies.

All of the new stuff will ONLY be available at the Fantasy Faire, which runs from June 15-21. Afterwards, I guess I will have to figure out more space for the new goodies 😛
In any case, I am offering three donation gifts for RFL this go ’round:

Fantasy Faire is a 9 sim affair and sure to be busy all week! When you decide to visit, please make sure you take off any unnecessary scripted items. Primming down as far as you can will also go a long way to making your faire-going experience smoother.
For more info about other vendors at the show, check out the FFC’s Fantasy Faire blog, here: http://fantasyfaire2009.wordpress.com