I hope things have been going well and you are all safe & sound – My thoughts are with you all!
Today, I’d like to announce this new release through Wilds of Organica for Fantasy Faire, which I’ve been working on with NeoBokrug Elytis of Desolate Studios!
This new critter is both a wanderer and a mount. If rezzed on land, you can set it to explore a given range and it will move around & animate at random.
If worn, it will play animations for both itself and you as the rider.
Currently, 8 versions are available, plus two RFL exclusive releases!
These are premiering at WoO’s shop in Cassiopeia for the duration of Fantasy Faire, after which they will be available at the main store.
Fantasy Faire runs right now thru May 10! Check out their website for full details, ongoing events, shopping guides and more!
On a personal note (as it applies to Organica & Wilds of Organica), I’ve been quite occupied with a work project for the past 8 months, which has led to a relative lack of updates here.
Starting this week I will finally have some time to work on personal projects (and by extension O & WoO). I am hoping to revamp some of the older tutorial videos with a focus on Blender 2.8 & Blender Avastar 2.8 update (which is in development and will be released soon).
To these ends, if there are particular shortfalls of my existing material and/or you’d like to see some other topic covered, please let me know! I am working on some content already behind the scenes, so hopefully I can share that with you soon!
Organica is taking part in this year’s SL Home and Garden Expo at Hope 8 region!
There are a few new items that can only be picked up at the Expo for the duration of the event, so do drop by and check things out if you have a chance!
This Orchid pack includes three varieties of orchid! They’re 2LI each at packaged size and make great accent pieces in any household! Mod, copy, no transfer.
100% of proceeds from the following two items are donated to Relay For Life:
This Life Drawing set includes easel horses in 5 colours (with retexturable paper fronts), a posing box, two posing stools, a can light, vertical shelving and wooden easel. Materials Optimized. All are mod/copy, with some copy-only scripts and animations.
This terrarium is great for display anywhere in the home or greenhouse! 2LI as packaged. Materials Optimized, mod, copy, no transfer.
Fantasy Faire is just around the corner – it starts tomorrow, in fact! (April 23 thru May 3 2015, beginning at 9AM SLT)
Wilds of Organica has a number of new items which will make their debut appearance there – here are a few details:
Botans are plant based creatures from The Wastelands ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Wastelands/102/150/74 ); their physiology is unique to all sentient creatures of The Wastelands and is reminiscent of tough insect-eating plants found in swamps. They’re fast, vicious, and strictly carnivorous. They vary in appearance but beware their ferocity, incredible reach and their paralytic sting! (For more info about the Wastelands Botans, check out the entry for them on The Wastelands Wiki here: http://wiki.the-wastelands.org/index.php/Botans )
This avatar stands ~2.7m tall and includes the avatar mesh, a basic AO, as well as eye and back attachments. It’s currently available in two colour variations, one of which will be available as a donation gift, with all proceeds going to Relay for Life! It is optimized for use with Advanced Lighting, but can be worn and viewed with Basic lighting as well. This avatar is mod/copy/no transfer, with some copy-only scripts.
Since I’ve had the opportunity to model and 3D print small jewellry pieces recently, I decided I’d try my hand at creating some highly detailed but geometrically efficient pieces that could be used with many fantasy outfits (or just worn as is for fun). In all, there are three different rings, available in four different colours (gold, silver, hematite, bronze), plus one RFL-exclusive edition! Each package contains one copy of the ring sized to fit fingers and one copy of the ring sized to fit as an armlet (upper arm). These don’t come with a resizer script, so you may have to position/resize to fit your own shape manually, but if you need help (and can send me your avatar shape), feel free to give me a shout for a fitting.
The rings are mesh and optimized for use with Advanced Lighting, but also feature baked textures that look great under Basic lighting. Each are mod/copy/no transfer.
In addition to these items, previous RFL exclusives will also be available, including the pink and lavender edition Perytons as well as RFL versions of all the masks.
As a tangent regarding the rings, I’ve successfully uploaded and have ordered a print of the Lion ring in real metal; I hope to have it in my hands in a few weeks. If all goes well and if there is enough interest, I’ll make more sizes available , along with some minor customization options. I’m really excited to see how these turn out!
Shapeways’ approximate render of the lion ring in polished grey steel
Is there a particular Wilds of Organica item you’d like to see made available as a tangible 3D print? Feel free to leave a comment or send me an IM!
The Home Show
Organica will be at the Home Show starting May 1 and running thru May 31! More details to follow.
Land stuff
Folks who have followed the development of residential land on the Sylvan estate (which is situated to the south of the Organica region) may know that the estate recently expanded to welcome a wholly new residential region called Sylvan Vale. We’re only a month in, but already well on our way to establishing a wonderful place for many to call home. The region features small to medium-sized parcels in a fully landscaped alpine river valley environment for reasonable prices and can be reached by visiting the land office here.
Availability is limited – please feel free to drop by and give me a shout if you have any questions!
April showers last month brought May Flowers this month!
Eight varieties of pansies are now available! They are sold seperately in individual pots or all in one big fatpack, which includes both individual pots as well as one big pot that includes all eight varieties. You can also unlink the individual plants from pots if you’d like to use one or the other separately. ( Buy in Store )( Marketplace link to follow )
As part of fundraising for the American Cancer Society, this set of four purple pansies (also known as violets!) is offered as a single pack; they are individually potted but also come with a larger pot which includes all four varieties. You can also unlink the individual plants from pots if you’d like to use one or the other separately. As a mesh item, this does require a mesh compatible viewer. ( Buy in Store )( Marketplace link to follow)
These purple anemones are the first of a series of anemones which will be released soon and this variety is available only as an RFL item! The full potted plant is 24LI, but can be broken down to 2LI individual flowers. As a mesh item, this does require a mesh compatible viewer. Pick these up at Home Expo or in-store!
This open concept reading house has a 16x20m footprint featuring expansive window roofing and fabric shade. Textures also feature tasteful baked shadows suitable for a structure of this kind. The structure is unfurnished and is 29 LI as packaged. As a mesh item, this does require a mesh compatible viewer. Offered as an RFL item for the duration of RFL this year, available at Home and Garden Expo as well as in-store. Mod, copy, no transfer.
A bit of housekeeping; this item was released during March Mesh Madness but never made it as a post to this blog, so I’m rectifying that now. This frame set features three detailed Japanese maple leaves, carefully mounted for presentation. They’re excellent accent pieces to almost any interior and are great as gifts. They are mesh, so they do require a mesh compatible viewer. Available at Home and Garden Expo as well as in-store. They are mod/copy/no transfer, however they can be gifted in-store; just click the vendor prior to purchase for gifting options.
Land is still available in Sylvan and for the month of May, successful referrals will gain existing Residents two free weeks of tier on any parcel which they currently occupy. Come by the land office , explore the sim and have a look to see what Sylvan has to offer! If you’ve been here a long time ago, consider dropping by again, as I am continually improving upon unused spaces to create a more immersive atmosphere. Feel free to also make use of the sandbox, which while small, features a 3hr auto-return, a beautiful environment, many board games and media stream control for group members.
Organica was able to raise $7400L at the show for RFL, but if you missed picking up any of the new items at Home Expo, you can find them now at the main store. RFL Exclusive shades will be available for the duration of RFL only, after which they will be archived for future RFL events.
The roses discussed last post are now available both on the grounds and in the store.
Three new types of flowers are also now available:
All three are mod/copy, come in four sculpted shapes to best fit your terrain and are low prim. As usual, they’re on sale both on the grounds and in the store at Organica Specialty Trees.
I’ve finally put together the bulk of my both at the Fantasy Faire! You can find Kitheres in the Avatopia sim, just to the right of the path when you arrive, facing directly east. (Or you can use this handy SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Avatopia/209/118/22)
Kitheres Dark Fantasy Eyes
There are quite a number of new releases this time around. I’ve been using the last few weeks to put together two new outfits, Hera and Breanne (pics lower in this post), as well as a bunch of new eyes, releasing some sculpted ears that were made to work with the Delvian skins, and putting together some goodies as RFL donation gifts and freebies.
Elven ears for Delvian skins
All of the new stuff will ONLY be available at the Fantasy Faire, which runs from June 15-21. Afterwards, I guess I will have to figure out more space for the new goodies 😛
In any case, I am offering three donation gifts for RFL this go ’round:
SeiRei wings - RFL donation gift
Breanne - Jacket/skirt combo with leather pants - RFL Donation gift - Also available in teal, red and black.
Hera - corset and bodysuit - RFL donation gift - also available with green, blue or white trim.
Fantasy Faire is a 9 sim affair and sure to be busy all week! When you decide to visit, please make sure you take off any unnecessary scripted items. Primming down as far as you can will also go a long way to making your faire-going experience smoother.
Kitheres will be at Fantasy Faire this coming week (Monday thru Friday). I have some new clothing in the works. I’m also planning to release some older and freebie stuff i’ve been sitting on, if time permits. More details to follow.